Oct 04, 2016 | Peter Singfield | 1628 views
Regular Season Games Now Scheduled!
On Sunday, October 2nd Coach Todd attended the Three County League scheduling meeting in Oakwood and organized our games for the first half of the season.
Our first game is scheduled for October 16th at the Emily / Omemee arena vs. the Kawartha Coyotes.
You can view all our scheduled games and practices from October 3rd - December 17th on our team calendar. Once these games are completed the coaches from all teams will meet again sometime in December to schedule the second half of the season.
This year the Tyke division had enough teams that the league split them into two groups. In our group are the following teams:
Sturgeon Lake
In the past, the League has balanced the divisions for the second half of the season.
Our team jerseys were sent in last week to have player last names put on the back, and we expect to have them returned and issued to all players by next week.